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Variation Swatches and Gallery for WooCommerce Documentation

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  2. Docs
  3. Variation Swatches and Gallery for WooCommerce Documentation
  4. Installation
  5. Install Using FTP

Install Using FTP

If you are unable to use any of the methods due to internet connectivity and file permission issues, then you can use this method-

  1. Download the plugin by clicking on this link. A ZIP file will be downloaded.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Launch your favorite FTP client. Such as FileZilla, FireFTP, CyberDuck, etc. If you are a more advanced user, then you can use SSH too.
  4. Upload the folder to wp-content/plugins/
  5. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  6. Navigate to Plugins -> Installed
  7. Activate the plugin
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